Does Your Home Filing System Look Like This?

If your home filing system looks like this, your family may not be able to get all the benefits and insurance you intend for them to have if they can’t locate the paperwork. We’ll give you a simple and effective method to make sure everything your family needs is available at their fingertips.

Personal Planning Organizer

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    Hundreds of millions of dollars of life insurance go unclaimed each year because the beneficiary didn’t know about the policy. In fact, there is “a life insurance preparation gap, and it’s not the buyer who’s unprepared—it’s the beneficiary,” says the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.

    We’ll show you how to avoid this and other losses families suffer when a loved one dies. Get the one book every family needs to have. This important book will make sure you communicate the important information your family needs to know.

    It’s called the Personal Planning Organizer. And it’s yours free.

    What It Is

    An easy-to-use guide that provides one central place to write down the location of all of your important documents. Filling one out is so important because now your loved ones will know what you’ve already taken care of and where they can find all the necessary information they need to have.

    And this includes important financial information, such as life insurance policies you’ve contributed to in order to make their lives a little easier after you’re gone.